Sunday 8 February 2009

"Back To Work" blues

I've suffering of some serious back to work blues. Tomorrow is my first day back after 7 weeks off.

A lot has happened since mid-December. Here's a quick rundown - I may (or not) expand in later posts:

11 December: Building consent for our renovations has been granted at last. Boy, that only took about a year.

19 December: Schools close for the holidays. Patrick and Nadia's leave starts.

20 December - 18 January: Holiday in Australia (few days in Sydney) and South Africa. Christmas with the Vaughan family in Port Elizabeth. Also spent some time in Johannesburg and Bela Bela (Warmbad)

19 January: Nadia back to work (Ag shame)

25 January: Patrick and Timothy attends the New Zealand A1 Grand Prix

2 February: Patrick gets a hernia fixed (Ag shame). I am now officially on sick leave.

3 February: Patrick back home from the hospital.

4 February: Kids back to school

9 February (tomorrow): Patrick back to work.

Also, the builders start work on the house tomorrow - we expect the next few months to be rather chaotic. Thanks to Nadia for the hard work in getting everything ready while I have been on my back, recuperating.

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