Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Sir Lemons 2

One day I was once again playing cp(Club penguin)When I met sirlemons and went to his iggy for a party.


My heads spinning!

Today while going home from KFC i said Timothy was Mr.T (the guy whose hair is the greatest in the world) So he said "SHUT UP FOOL!" And that was the start of me going completely bonkers!
I LAUGHED HARD CORE! He kept on doing or saying funny stuff. when we got home mummy said to go fetch the mail (Like a dog or something :) While walking down the drive I felt my RIGHT armpit. I WAS SWEATING! As a result when back I said "I think I know where my laugh box is"
The replier said"Where?" "In my RIGHT armpit" "Why there?" "BECAUSE I WAS SWEATING"
That totally got me into a Jolly girl again.

And i hope you have a merry jolly Christmas!

Christmas blues

Well there is just 2 sleeps until Christmas but I have had one of the worst things happen to me.
I kind of broke my wrist :(
Yeah I have got it in a sling right now but it will get removed on Christmas eve
YAY! I can still open my presents :D

Tuesday, 17 November 2009


It's November again which means it's Movember time again.

Because I'm lazy, I'll just post the email sent by my team organiser.

My donation link:

Ladies and Gents,

I would like to introduce you to 2009’s Movember team, The Last of the Mo-Geekans. This year we have a massive turnout, as 26 guys have decided to join the team, in an attempt to grow a stylish moustache in the name of charity.

The next few weeks could become quite challenging, so please do whatever you can to mo-tivate members of the team, preferably by throwing money (via the donation pages detailed below).

It is a very worthwhile event, and if you would like to know more about how your donations get used, please check out details on the Movember web site ( ).

If you think that a certain person on the team deserves an individual donation, please use their donation page from the list below.
If you want to donate to the whole team, please use this link, and your donation will be shared amongst all members of the team.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

The life of a Year 4 student

I just noticed my life is getting harder being a YEAR 4 student. And being in a class with year 3s makes us year 4s expected to be good roll models. Which a Year 4 named Marcel is not good at. Hes always complaining about hating Mrs Smith(my teacher) Not a good roll model. Last week while doing topic I was sitting near the bookshelf our student teacher(Mrs Leevers) said to get our topic books the next moment I found myself trying to squirm out from under Marcel. This left me bruised badly. Never told on him probably never will. You should pay more attention to Nicole (A female year four student like me) She is always sitting nicely and gets her work done nice and fast with good presentation. Theres also people in the middle like Alex she is a good girl and lets other people take the heat when getting in trouble good role model but could be better. As gotten on the sad face( Something what bad kids go on and spend some morning tea or lunch inside) But has also been on the Super stars (the opposite of the sad face) So yeah I'd say this is a good class to be in ignoring Marcel.


Today I started a new diary. Called it "Diary of a strange kid" after reading diary of a wimpy kid books. Wrote some stuff not much. I'll be writing in there time to time

Wednesday, 29 July 2009


Went to fill up my car this morning at the Challenge petrol station on the Milford main drag. When I got there there's 2 police cars with about 6 cops hanging around. A quick survey of the area shows no obvious signs of why they are there. After a while the Cheese Cake Shop next door open, they all pile inside and 2 minutes later they emerge with about 5 cakes, back in their cars and off.

Must be the captain's birthday.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Computer Breakdown

For a month or 2 my computer broke down
I had to share a computer with Elizabeth!
On the bright side my new computer is working better than the other

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Horse and Carriage

Timothy today about me and Nadia:

You guys go together like cake and icing

Thanks Timothy, that was lovely

Thursday, 11 June 2009

To hold or not to hold

Earlier this week as I was saying goodbye to the kids on their way to school I told them to hold hands when they cross the road.

As they walked down the driveway I heard Timothy saying to Elizabeth: "We are NOT holding hands"

PS3 and a New TV

Early February we bought a new TV and we got a bargain on a PS3 by buying that TV
We sent in a form for the PS3 and waited about 2-3 weeks for it.
We also got a free PS3 game from somewhere and so that came into use
Now we have 2 games
NASCAR 09 and Need for speed Undercover
I'm about 51% through Need for Speed Undercover and I've finished one season in Chase for the NASCAR sprint cup in NASCAR 09
My friend also let me borrow Grand turismo 5 proluge and I got up to class B
The new play station 3 is very fun even Elizabeth plays a bit


Sunday, 8 February 2009

"Back To Work" blues

I've suffering of some serious back to work blues. Tomorrow is my first day back after 7 weeks off.

A lot has happened since mid-December. Here's a quick rundown - I may (or not) expand in later posts:

11 December: Building consent for our renovations has been granted at last. Boy, that only took about a year.

19 December: Schools close for the holidays. Patrick and Nadia's leave starts.

20 December - 18 January: Holiday in Australia (few days in Sydney) and South Africa. Christmas with the Vaughan family in Port Elizabeth. Also spent some time in Johannesburg and Bela Bela (Warmbad)

19 January: Nadia back to work (Ag shame)

25 January: Patrick and Timothy attends the New Zealand A1 Grand Prix

2 February: Patrick gets a hernia fixed (Ag shame). I am now officially on sick leave.

3 February: Patrick back home from the hospital.

4 February: Kids back to school

9 February (tomorrow): Patrick back to work.

Also, the builders start work on the house tomorrow - we expect the next few months to be rather chaotic. Thanks to Nadia for the hard work in getting everything ready while I have been on my back, recuperating.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

School just started

School just started for Elizabeth and I and I had a great first day
